Inspired to Achieve?

Inspired to Achieve?

Inspiration… funny word really.  What does it actually mean? To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence is the dictionary definition.

Have I achieved in life?  Have any of us? But I suppose the more important question is ‘Could we?’

For many we have settled.  Settled into a life that we think we deserve or just accept.  Believing that there is no more to our lives than being a mum or working in a job that we dislike, too afraid to question ourselves at the possibility of there being more within our reach.

When I left school, I never gave the prospect of further education another thought.  As I survived life and became a mother, I just wanted to make it through each day unscathed.  I never saw myself achieving anything more.  As my children get older, I start to question what happens when they have left home to pursue their dreams.

I have basic qualifications but enormous amounts of self doubt.  My own self esteem being my worst enemy.  Sometimes others can put you down and make you feel that you have nothing to offer, however every one of us has a talent, a skill, or just a natural ability that can be enhanced with some level of support.

How do we tackle a fear of achieving?  Or is it a fear of failure?…

It is safer to stay in your comfort zone than tread into unknown territory.  The only drawback with this mindset is that we can spend a lifetime looking out of the window dreaming of what could have been, if only.

Often just the initial step of contacting an organisation for advice, guidance or support is more trepidatious than Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon.  After all he had support and people believing in him before he even put on his special space boots.  Who do we have to tell us that we can achieve?

Yarlington Housing Group has a wonderful organisation within their family, who can be your own personal cheerleading squad.  Inspired to Achieve does exactly what it says on the tin- ‘a social enterprise offering impartial advice and guidance to help people fulfil their potential’


The service is available to any resident, there is not a limit to its’ use or criteria that you have to fill, apart from being a Yarlington tenant.

Approaching any organisation makes you feel vulnerable and anxious.  Telling a stranger of your hopes and dreams can be daunting.  To ask for help and support can feel like a mammoth obstacle to overcome.

Do you deserve the help?  Do you have the ability to become someone that has only ever lived safely inside your head?

Until recently, my answer was a resounding ‘NO’; I had no confidence that I could become anything.  I had taught myself over the years to believe that I was of low intelligence.  That my best option was to concentrate on my children’s education and wellbeing.

One morning, over breakfast, my eleven year old asks me what I wanted to be when I was his age.  I recounted the fanciful (or so I thought) careers that I had wanted.  Almost chuckling to myself at how ridiculous they sounded.  An hour later as I was performing the dutiful task of washing up, I began to think of myself at eleven.

Not once did I ever say to myself that anything was out of my league.  I had faith in myself and my abilities.  I had the world at my feet and could be anything I wanted with hard work.

But what changed so dramatically to how I thought of my options now?

When you are eleven, your parents reinforce the potential you have.  You have teachers, who support and guide you, giving you the education to achieve what you want.  At 36, I have two sons who are beginning their lives and two dogs that frankly couldn’t care what I do as long as they get fed and walked.

The main difference was that I had no one to encourage me.  To tell me that I could.  To make me see the potential that I still have to offer.

I may have wrinkles coming and a host of life dramas weighing me down, but I still have a secret desire to be something, to become the person that I know deep down I could be.  I have to stop saying ‘I can’t’ and start saying ‘How can I?’  I need to swallow my pride and approach Inspired to Achieve with the enthusiasm and determination of my eleven year old self.  I need to teach my children that there are always options and always an opportunity to better yourself.

Inspired to Achieve are not there to judge me nor are they there to tell me I can’t.  They are there to support and find a way to make my ambition a reality.

The only obstacle that I have is confidence.  The confidence to trust that I can do whatever I want and allow Inspired to Achieve do exactly that… Inspire me to truly achieve. InspiredtoAchieve Letterhead[2]web

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